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August 2, 2024


New Akkio Updates: Chat Explore UI Improvements and a Faster API

Check out the newest feature enhancements in Akkio!

At Akkio, our engineers are always working to make the platform more powerful and user friendly. 

These two new features, added in the past month or so, allow users to work more confidently with large datasets for campaign optimization, reporting, and audience building. Plus, we made life a little easier for software developers.

We improved chat

We improved the Chat Explore experience with features that give users more insight and inspire more trust. 

Dialog box for an Akkio AI query

The dialog box shows how Akkio interpreted the prompt. This reassures you that the interpretation aligns with your expectations. If you need further inspection – perhaps someone in your data team is curious about the underlying data science – you can see the actual code Akkio generated and ran.

You also can now ask for additional details. At the bottom of the chat response dialog, see:

  • Show Approach: This provides a longer explanation, in prose, about how the metrics were calculated and how the chart was created.
  • Show Table: This displays the actual data behind the chart.
  • Edit: You can change the chart’s title and description, which makes it easier to copy and paste into client reports.

Text responses are better, too. The answers are clearer, with intermediate steps showing the logic by which Akkio got to those answers. More to come here; stay tuned!

Pro tip: To improve prompting, use actual column names and specify the type of chart you want to see. For instance, if you have a table with columns named “spend” and “conversions,” it is best to ask, “What did we spend per conversion?” rather than, “What was the cost per sign up?”

We improved the API 

Individual predictions using API calls are now significantly faster. This allows your agency’s developers to score leads, predict conversions, or forecast ticket volume – with quicker results. 

Using an API permits your agency to create a system for your clients to interact with Akkio without the need for the client user to touch the platform. APIs also connect with third-party systems to extend functionality. If you haven’t already tried out our API, check out its documentation to learn what it can accomplish.

We’re working hard to improve Akkio! Stay tuned for more enhancements. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or feedback. Tell us how we’re doing!

And, of course, if you’re new to Akkio, you can always explore its capabilities using a free account.

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