Akkio Embedded

Seamlessly & securely analyze all of your data, all in one place.

Deploy Akkio in your cloud and connect to all of your data for transparent, secure and responsible analysis at scale.
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Akkio integrates into your infrastructure. Data stays in your environment.
We work with Snowflake, Databricks or any spark enabled database
Analyze Data at Scale
With Akkio embedded in your cloud and connected to all of your data, you can ask Akkio anything and Akkio will select and traverse the most relevant data sets to generate the most insightful output.
Always know why
Akkio always shows you what data it used & how your query was interpreted.
Secure & Private
Keep data in your control
All data is securely hosted in your cloud & compartmentalized by client.
Work without risk
Akkio constantly monitors LLM activity to scan for model accuracy.


Always understand how Akkio arrived at a conclusion

Akkio will always let you know what data (single or multi table) it used when performing a task and how it interpreted that data to generate an output.

Accept alternative interpretations when Akkio is uncertain.

Akkio is humble enough to know when it can’t give you exactly what you are looking for. Instead of delivering an imperfect output, Akkio will ask you if its alternate interpretation is ok.


Data lives in your cloud & stays siloed

All data is securely stored within your business environment and meticulously isolated across clients to prevent any model traversal.

Akkio only performs media-specific tasks

Akkio employs protective guardrails that ensure users can only leverage the platform for media-related tasks.


Akkio constantly monitors LLM activity

Akkio employs constant AI monitoring systems to scan for AI hallucinations, model accuracy, precision & recall.

LLMs rarely touch your data

Because Akkio LLMs predominantly write code that is then applied to data sets, your data rarely ever touches AI, significantly limiting hallucination potential.