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January 4, 2024

Artificial Intelligence

Will AI Replace Marketing Jobs?

Will AI replace marketing jobs? Let's explore all use cases and how marketers can embrace AI rather than be afraid of it.
Natasha Badger
Digital Marketing Manager
Artificial Intelligence

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has been a hot topic in recent years, especially in the realm of marketing. With 30% of workers worldwide fearing “will AI replace marketing jobs” within the next three years, it’s natural to wonder if AI will leave a lasting impact on the marketing industry.

Today, we explore the many ways AI is reshaping marketing jobs, its limitations, and how marketers can adapt and thrive in this brave new world. Are you ready for the AI revolution?

Key Takeaways

  • AI is revolutionizing the marketing industry by automating tasks, providing personalization capabilities and creating new opportunities;
  • Marketers must embrace AI tools such as Akkio and develop non-replaceable skills to remain irreplaceable in an ever-evolving landscape;
  • Staying informed on trends can help marketers identify potential job opportunities & prepare for change with a growth mindset;
  • 49% of employers expect AI to have a positive impact on job growth, but over 81% of marketers expect content writers to be amongst the first to be replaced;
  • Content generation is the most affected area, with many tools automatic content generation, curation, and image generation daily.

AI's Impact on Marketing Jobs

Digital marketers working with AI, visualized by Midjourney

AI technology is making its mark on the digital marketing industry by automating data analysis, taking over routine tasks, and even providing personalization capabilities. This allows digital marketers to optimize their marketing efforts and focus on more strategic aspects of their work.

However, AI is not on the verge of completely replacing marketing jobs. Digital marketers can take a breath for now. This is largely due to factors such as human creativity, emotional intelligence, and ethical concerns that AI is yet to fully replicate.

AI’s impact varies across different digital marketing roles. For some, AI is just another tool in their arsenal, helping them save time and dig deeper into market analysis and customer segmentation. For others, AI is a game-changer, reshaping the marketing landscape and creating new opportunities for those who can harness its potential.

Regardless, to thrive in an AI-driven marketing landscape, adaptation and leveraging the potential of machine learning and this revolutionary technology, which has been evolving for more than a decade, is paramount.

AI in Data Analysis

AI Visualizing SERP features for a dataset of keywords

One of AI’s most significant strengths in marketing is its ability to:

  • Consume, process, and summarize large datasets from multiple sources
  • Enable marketers to gain valuable insights
  • Provide insights that would take hours to generate manually
  • Scan hundreds or millions of rows of data
  • Create a single source of truth
  • Develop actionable search marketing tactics that would otherwise be time-consuming and challenging to obtain manually.

Automation of data analysis through AI can streamline marketing efforts and enhance overall campaign performance. This is the main reason our customers love Akkio: making data informed decisions with GPT-4 powered charts and dashboards can be life changing and save you hours each week.

Automating Routine Tasks

Histogram of Keyword difficulty for a SEO dataset

AI-powered tools are revolutionizing the way marketers work, providing numerous benefits and simplifying tasks that were once time-consuming. Here are a few examples of how AI is being harnessed in the marketing field:

  1. Content Curation: AI can automate the process of content curation, making it easier for marketers to find and share relevant content with their audiences. This not only saves time but also enhances the quality of content shared, leading to improved audience engagement. Social media platforms like Content Studio and Postwise are great examples.
  2. Pay-Per-Click Ad Management: AI can help marketers manage pay-per-click ads more efficiently. It can analyze data to determine the best times to run ads, identify the most effective keywords, and even predict the success of certain ad campaigns. This allows marketers to optimize their ad spend and achieve better results. Tools such as Opteo are great to start.
  3. Predictive Analysis: AI can analyze past marketing data to predict future trends and outcomes. This can help marketers anticipate changes in the market and adjust their strategies accordingly, leading to better business outcomes.
  4. Reporting: Business intelligence (BI) tools such as Akkio have the capability to automatically create dashboards and reports that can easily be incorporated into presentations, documents, and more. By using real data, Akkio and similar tools can swiftly produce reports. Try it free today.
  5. Slides: if you work in marketing, you definitely spend a lot of time creating slides. New AI platforms like Tome and Gamma do that for you so you can focus on what matters most.

By harnessing these AI capabilities, marketers can not only improve their productivity but also enhance the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns. AI won't replace marketing jobs, but it will enhance the abilities of one-person or small marketing teams tremendously.

Personalization and Customer Experience

AI undoubtedly boosts personalization and improves customer experience by analyzing data and delivering tailored marketing content to the right audience at the right time. Some ways AI can enhance customer experience include:

  • Analyzing customer data to provide personalized recommendations
  • Using chatbots to interact with customers and offer basic support and guidance
  • Automating customer service processes to provide faster response times
  • Enrich your database with AI

These AI-powered solutions can greatly improve the overall customer experience and help businesses better meet the needs of their customers.

AI in Content Generation

Artificial Intelligence is also changing the way we create content.

Tools like OpenAI's GPT-4,, SEObotai, and are able to generate high-quality content in a matter of seconds.

They can produce blog posts, social media content, email newsletters and even ad copy, significantly speeding up the content creation process.

AI-powered tools are capable of understanding context, ensuring the content they generate is relevant and engaging. They are becoming indispensable tools for marketers who want to produce a large amount of content quickly, efficiently and effectively.

Written text is not the only content you can generate with artificial intelligence. Images are easy-peasy with Midjourney and Bing images, leading to a spark of beautiful art on the web.

The Limitations of AI in Marketing

Despite the undeniable impact of AI on marketing jobs, acknowledging its limitations is equally important. AI faces challenges in areas such as creativity, emotional intelligence, and ethical considerations.

For instance, AI-generated content may save time and resources, but it lacks the originality and quality that only human input can provide.

Recognizing and working to overcome AI’s limitations can enable marketers to fully exploit AI’s potential while preserving the distinct human expertise.

Lack of Creativity

AI cannot replace human creativity in marketing, as it is limited to the data it is given. While AI algorithms can generate content based on existing data, they cannot come up with something completely new or original.

You'll notice a fully-AI generated article when each paragraph wants to "unleash" or "reveal" something. Basically, any over-usage of marketing lingo.

AI may be able to analyze market trends and generate content based on those trends, but it cannot conceive a fresh marketing strategy or a groundbreaking advertising campaign. Suggestions from AI will always come from something other people wrote or recorded, at least for now.

The creative spark that drives marketing success remains a uniquely human trait, one that AI cannot replicate easily. Decision-making is largely based on big bets by marketing teams, which are usually driven by human creativity.

If you're interested in learning more about the intersection of AI and creativity, including nuances not relevant to marketing in particular, read our full article on AI creativity.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence, the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one’s own emotions and the emotions of others, is essential in marketing. This skill enables marketers to build authentic relationships with their customers and empathize with their needs and desires.

AI has significant limitations when it comes to emotional intelligence. Emotions are subjective, and AI’s analysis of them can be biased or inaccurate. Furthermore, AI lacks the complex brain circuitry that gives rise to human emotional skills and social interaction capabilities.

Ethical Concerns

Ethical concerns must also be addressed when considering AI’s role in marketing. Issues such as privacy breaches, data manipulation, and algorithmic bias can arise when using AI in marketing activities. These concerns not only pose potential legal and reputational risks but also affect customer trust in a brand.

To ensure responsible and ethical use of AI in marketing, marketers can stay informed about AI advancements, establish guidelines for AI usage, and maintain transparency in their AI-driven marketing practices.

Adapting to the AI-Powered Marketing Landscape

Adaptation is the cornerstone for thriving in an AI-driven marketing landscape. Marketers must embrace AI tools, develop non-replaceable skills, and stay updated on AI trends.

Adapting to the AI-driven landscape necessitates marketers to concentrate on three main areas:

  1. Harnessing AI tools: By incorporating AI into their marketing strategies and processes, marketers can automate routine tasks, gain valuable insights, and deliver personalized customer experiences.
  2. Honing irreplaceable skills: Honing creative, strategic, and empathetic skills will ensure that marketers remain invaluable in the age of AI.
  3. Keeping abreast with AI trends: Staying up-to-date with AI advancements and trends will help marketers stay competitive and adapt to the rapidly evolving marketing landscape.

Embracing AI Tools

AI Tools logos
Logos of AI Tools. Copyright of their respective owner.

Harnessing artificial intelligence tools has the potential to significantly improve efficiency and amplify marketing efforts. By automating time-consuming tasks such as data analysis, content creation, and ad placements, AI-powered tools can save time, resources, and allow marketers to focus on more strategic and creative aspects of their work.

  • Akkio: This AI tool is perfect for automating data analysis, enabling marketers to swiftly generate actionable insights.
  • SurferSEO: SurferSEO utilizes AI for SEO optimization, helping marketers improve their search engine ranking and visibility.
  • HubSpot: HubSpot's AI features assist in automating social media scheduling, optimizing SEO, and personalizing customer interactions.
  • Manychat: Manychat allows marketers to create AI chatbots for various platforms, improving customer interaction and engagement.
  • HARPA AI: HARPA AI provides AI-powered solutions for customer segmentation and campaign optimization.
  • Postwise: Postwise uses AI to automate social media content creation, helping marketers to post content at optimal times for maximum engagement.
  • Grammarly: Grammarly is a powerful AI content marketing platform that allows businesses to double-check their content for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
  • Zapier: Zapier is an AI-powered automation tool that can help businesses automate repetitive tasks and streamline workflows.

AI tools can provide valuable insights and help marketers optimize their campaigns for better performance and higher return on investment. To get on board with AI tools, marketers should invest in the right technology, train their teams, and keep them stay up to date with the latest trends.

Developing Non-Replaceable Skills

To maintain their irreplaceability amidst AI advancements, marketers must focus on honing their creative, strategic thinking, and empathetic skills that can’t be replaced by AI. These unique human skills are essential for fostering innovation, solving complex problems, and building strong customer relationships.

By honing their abilities in areas such as relationship-building, data collection and interpretation, and creative content creation, marketers can ensure that they continue to provide value and excel in their roles. In addition, cultivating a growth mindset and staying adaptable will help marketers stay ahead of the curve and thrive in the ever-evolving marketing landscape.

Staying Up-to-Date with AI Trends

Keeping informed on AI trends and developments is vital for marketers to maintain competitiveness and adaptability amidst AI advancements. This can be achieved by keeping an eye on industry news, attending conferences and seminars, and connecting with other professionals in the field.

By staying up-to-date with AI trends, marketers can gain a better understanding of the latest AI-powered tools and approaches, as well as identify potential opportunities to enhance their marketing efforts. Knowledge is power, and in the rapidly evolving world of AI, staying informed is key to success.

Real-Life Examples of AI in Marketing

AI’s impact on marketing is already evident in various real-life examples, such as chatbots for customer support, AI-generated content, and AI-driven advertising. These examples showcase the potential of AI to optimize marketing efforts and enhance customer experiences.

Volkswagen uses AI to optimize its advertising campaigns

Volkswagen leverages AI for advertising optimization:

  • Predictive algorithms for tailored ads to similar potential customers.
  • AI-driven insights to gauge and enhance media investment outcomes.
  • Detailed market forecasts for proactive response to market dynamics.
  • Enhanced sales planning through AI-informed customer insights.

Nutella uses AI to create packaging

Nutella harnessed AI for an innovative marketing campaign:

  • Algorithmic design - An algorithm generated millions of unique packaging designs, utilizing diverse patterns and colors.
  • Personalization - The campaign focused on individuality, producing unique jar designs, each with an authentication code.
  • Limited edition - Nutella Unica marked a first, with seven million distinct jars, using personalized packaging to foster buzz.
  • Sell-out success - The campaign's success was evident as all jars sold out in a month.

In essence, Nutella's AI-driven campaign showcased the power of personalization in marketing, leading to resonant designs and remarkable sales outcomes. Oh, and this was in 2017!

In 2023, GPT-powered digital marketers came up with all sorts of ways to reform digital marketing and transform "will ai replace marketing jobs" in "AI will NOT take my job".

Human marketers, aided by AI, developed lots of cool strategies:

  • Expedia, one of the world's most popular travel-planning companies, is using ChatGPT to improve its customer service. ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot that can understand natural language and provide personalized responses to customer inquiries.
  • Hanseatic Bank recognized the opportunities for competitive advantage through APIs and third-party providers and used AI to improve time-to-market and enable new business models.
  • Uber uses AI to optimize its pricing and improve its customer experience. The company uses machine learning algorithms to predict rider demand and adjust prices accordingly.
  • 3M uses AI to improve its product development process. The company uses AI to identify new product opportunities and optimize its product portfolio.
  • Expensify uses AI to automate expense reporting. The company uses machine learning algorithms to automatically categorize expenses and create expense reports.

The Future of Marketing Jobs with AI

The interplay between job displacement, job creation, and adapting to new roles and opportunities defines the future of marketing jobs with AI.

While AI may replace some marketing jobs, particularly those that involve repetitive tasks or data analysis, it also has the potential to create new opportunities in areas such as AI strategy, content creation, and AI-powered customer engagement.

As AI continues to advance and reshape the marketing landscape, it’s important for marketers to be prepared for change and ready to seize the opportunities that AI presents. For now, artificial intelligence is unlikely to completely replace marketing jobs.

How to Become an Irreplaceable Marketer with AI

Becoming an irreplaceable marketer in the AI era necessitates both harnessing AI tools and honing unique skills that AI cannot replicate. By embracing AI technology and honing their creative, strategic, and empathetic skills as human beings, marketers can ensure that they remain invaluable in the rapidly evolving marketing landscape.

Staying informed on AI trends and advancements can help marketers stay competitive and adapt to the ever-changing landscape. By cultivating a growth mindset and embracing change, marketers can stay ahead of the curve and thrive in the era of AI.

New Roles and Opportunities

As AI continues to advance and reshape the marketing industry, new roles and opportunities are emerging, such as AI specialists, digital assistants, AI strategists, and AI-powered content creators. These new roles require a unique combination of marketing expertise, technical knowledge, and adaptability to stay competitive in the rapidly evolving landscape.

By staying informed on AI trends and advancements, marketers can identify potential opportunities and prepare for the changes that AI brings to the marketing field.

Preparing for Change

A person, simbolizing marketers, walking toward the light.
The future is awaiting, marketers. Generated by Midjourney AI

To thrive in the artificial intelligence era, marketers must be ready for change and adapt quickly to the swiftly evolving marketing landscape. This involves:

  • Staying informed on AI trends and advancements
  • Developing unique skills that AI cannot replace
  • Embracing AI-powered tools and strategies to improve efficiency and enhance marketing efforts.

By cultivating a growth mindset, staying adaptable, and embracing change, marketers can overcome crucial marketing challenges, secure their place in the future of marketing, and remain irreplaceable in the age of AI.


In conclusion, artificial intelligence is reshaping the digital marketing landscape, automating tasks, enhancing personalization, and offering valuable insights, but it cannot completely replace human expertise and creativity.

While AI has its limitations, such as lack of creativity and emotional intelligence, marketers who embrace AI tools, develop non-replaceable skills, and stay informed on AI trends can adapt and thrive in this new era.

The future of marketing jobs with AI lies in the delicate balance between job displacement, job creation, and adapting to new roles and opportunities. As AI continues to advance, the key to success is adaptability, continuous learning, and a willingness to embrace change.

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