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January 3, 2024

Artificial Intelligence

GPT-4 vs Claude 2: Which is Better For You?

GPT-4 vs Claude 2: the ultimate comparison to learn more about each and choose the best one for your use case. Let's dive in together!
Giorgio Barilla
Digital Marketing Specialist
Artificial Intelligence

GPT-4 and Claude 2 represent the cutting edge of what advanced AI language models can achieve. Both leverage massive neural networks trained on huge datasets to generate remarkably human-like text.

However, there are some significant differences between these two models that make each uniquely suited to particular use cases. In this article, we explore the strength and weaknesses to help you make the right choice in your business!

Key Takeaways

  • GPT-4 and Claude 2 are two leading AI language models released by OpenAI and Anthropic, respectively.
  • GPT-4 is proficient in text & code generation, while Claude 2 excels in mathematics & safety. Both have versatile capabilities for various tasks.
  • GPT-4 is included in ChatGPT, and Claude 2 is available through Claude Chat. However, only GPT-4 offers a publicly available API for the time being;
  • Third-party developers are using GPT-4 to create all sorts of applications. For example, Akkio uses it to generate accurate graphs, clean and prepara data, and to create dashboards. GPT-4 is significantly more expensive than Claude 2;
  • Currently, access to Claude 2's API is by invitation only, and only a select few platforms, such as Jasper, have the privilege to utilize it.

AI Language Model Showdown: GPT-4 vs Claude 2

Two advanced AI language models - GPT-4 and Claude 2
GPT-4 vs Claude 2 Comparison
Feature GPT-4 Claude 2
Developed by OpenAI Anthropic
Key strengths Text generation, coding, problem solving Mathematics, safety, ethics
Context length 32,000 tokens 100,000 tokens
Availability Public API, ChatGPT Plus $20/month Claude Chat Pro
Pricing Starting at $0.06 per 1,000 tokens Starting at $1.63 per 1 million tokens
Benchmark performance Top scores in GRE reading, Hellaswag Leads in GRE writing, math exams
Bias reduction Training data filtering Constitutional AI constraints
Feedback integration Post-training During training
Use cases ChatGPT, Copilot, marketing content Math, legal analysis, content moderation

GPT-4, developed by OpenAI, is a large multimodal model known for its human-like performance and advanced reasoning capabilities. Claude 2, created by Anthropic, is an AI model designed with a focus on safety, ethics, and efficiency, outperforming many other models in standardized tests.

Delving into the details of multiple models, understanding their unique strengths, features, and performance will help you decide which model best suits your needs.

GPT-4: OpenAI's Advanced AI Model

Asking GPT-4 to describe itself
Asking GPT-4 to describe itself

GPT-4, a product of OpenAI, is a large language model that is also a significant multimodal model. It is known for its proficiency in responding to both written and image-based prompts, with areas of expertise including:

  • Answering questions
  • Telling stories
  • Solving complex problems
  • Composing intricate essays, jokes, code, and more

The model's proficiency is a result of leveraging natural language processing, machine learning, parameters, and trained data to accurately interpret user inputs and generate the desired output. To ensure power and worldwide accessibility, GPT-4 utilizes Microsoft Azure’s AI-optimized supercomputers.

The key features of GPT-4 include:

  • Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF): The model was trained to maximize human satisfaction by incorporating feedback from users interacting with it during development. This process refined GPT-4's outputs.
  • Few-shot learning: GPT-4 can learn new concepts from just a few examples, which helps expand its knowledge base.
  • Multitask training: The model was trained concurrently on a wide variety of NLP datasets spanning translation, question answering, and many other tasks. This improved its general abilities.

However, GPT-4 does not always verify the accuracy of the information it utilizes in its responses. This means that while GPT-4 can generate code with high accuracy, it might not always be the most reliable source when it comes to factual accuracy.

GPT-4 is available within the ChatGPT Plus subscription, which significantly improves its value to non-API users. Anyone can generate images, code, and graphs in the ChatGPT ecosystem now.

The API is available with a maximum context window of 32k tokens, approximately 24,000 words. Fine-tuning is available within the API platform.

Claude 2: Anthropic's Safe and Ethical AI Model

Claude 2 describes itself

Claude 2 is an AI model developed by Anthropic, emphasizing safety, efficiency, and ethical considerations.

It provides secure output generation and large context windows, with inputs of up to 100k tokens, approximately 75,000 words. This is much larger than GPT-4 and outcompetes pretty much all competitors.

Claude 2 uses latest technologies like natural language processing (NLP), machine learning and reinforcement learning with the help of human feedback. This helps in increasing its accuracy for efficient performance. Anthropic’s agenda is to engineer AI models that are both efficient and secure while adhering to ethical standards.

The key features of Claude-2 include:

  • Reinforcement learning from debate (RLD): Claude 2 engages in automatic debates during training to highlight potential biases and mistakes in its reasoning. This acts as adversarial training.
  • Data filtering: Potentially harmful training data is filtered out to prevent Claude 2 from learning or repeating dangerous information.
  • Truthful modeling: The model is optimized to avoid deceiving users or generating false information. This encourages honest, accurate responses.
  • Ethics tuning: Claude 2 receives ongoing adjustments from AI trainers to strengthen its moral reasoning in areas like fairness and avoiding harm.

In the next two years, Anthropic plans to raise up to $5 billion to develop “Claude-Next,” which is estimated to cost $1 billion and is anticipated to be 10 times more powerful than existing AI systems.

Model Capabilities and Features

GPT-4 vs Claude 2 Capabilities
Capability GPT-4 Claude 2
Text generation 200+ languages supported. Less natural sounding. 10 languages. More natural sounding text.
Code generation Prolific and high-quality code generation. Used by Microsoft, GitHub. Strong at optimizing/debugging existing code.
Task versatility Broad scope of tasks. More complex tasks. Simpler NLP tasks. Larger context.
GRE reading 93rd percentile score. 86th percentile score.
GRE writing 89th percentile score. 96th percentile score.
Math tests 83% accuracy on GSM8K. 88% accuracy on GSM8K.
Coding exams 67% on HumanEval Python. 71% on HumanEval Python.
Reasoning Higher scores on ARC and Winograd schema. Slightly lower scores than GPT-4.

GPT-4 and Claude 2 are versatile AI models, capable of handling various tasks, including text and code generation, task completion, and flexibility.

This section will compare their capabilities and features, assisting you in determining the model that best aligns with your specific tasks.

Text Generation

Both GPT-4 and Claude 2 demonstrate proficiency in generating text.

GPT-4 has a wide range of language support, with the ability to generate output in more than 200 languages. In comparison, Claude 2 features a much more limited set, capable of generating output in only 10 languages.

Despite the limited training and less ample language support, Claude 2 still sounds more natural than GPT-4, and AI writers like Jasper AI are already taking advantage of it.

In terms of math calculations, Claude 2 and GPT-4 achieve comparable scores; however, Claude 2 provides more comprehensive explanations of its problem-solving approach. GPT-4 typically provides a numerical answer without elaboration.

Code Generation

GPT-4 and Claude 2 both bring a lot to the table when it comes to code generation.

GPT-4 is like a master programmer, adept at generating intricate lines of code with remarkable precision. Whether it's creating a new software function, debugging an existing piece of code, or even developing a new app from scratch, GPT-4 is up to the task. It's not just about the quantity of code it can generate, but the quality too.

The code it produces is clean, efficient, and follows best coding practices. For example, tech giant Microsoft has been leveraging GPT-4's coding capabilities to automate and streamline some of its software development processes. Github uses GPT-4 for its Copilot.

On the other hand, Claude 2, while not as prolific as GPT-4 in terms of code generation, still offers some impressive capabilities. It excels at understanding the context of the code it's working with, making it particularly useful for debugging and optimizing existing code. It also has a knack for creating efficient, clean code that adheres to best practices. Like GPT-4, it's recommended that users review and test the code generated by Claude 2 to ensure it meets their needs.

Task Completion and Versatility

When it comes to task completion, GPT-4 is equipped to execute a broad scope of tasks, such as email template generation, code analysis. It can provide live access to the web when used within ChatGPT with Bing.

Claude 2 is also capable of executing a broad array of tasks, such as natural language processing, text summarization, and sentiment analysis. It can perform tasks on larger documents, thanks to the huge context window.

GPT-4 is more versatile and can handle more complex tasks, whereas Claude 2 is better suited for simpler tasks. Nevertheless, both models have unique abilities to tackle real-world challenges, making them valuable AI tools for users with different requirements.

Performance Evaluation

It's important to take a closer look at GPT-4 and Claude 2 to understand their strengths and weaknesses. In this section, we'll delve into how these AI models perform based on benchmark results and user experiences.

Benchmark Results

GPT-4 and Claude 2 have been evaluated on various AI benchmarking tasks to test their language proficiency. Here is how they compare on key benchmarks:

  • GRE reading comprehension: GPT-4 scored in the 93rd percentile, while Claude 2 reached the 86th percentile. GPT-4 has an edge analyzing complex passages.
  • GRE analytical writing: Claude 2 outperformed GPT-4, scoring in the 96th percentile compared to 89th for GPT-4. Claude 2 produces stronger structured writing.
  • Mathematical tests: On exams like GSM8K, Claude 2 achieved 88% accuracy versus 83% for GPT-4. Claude 2 is superior at math.
  • Coding exams: Claude 2 scored 71% on the Codex HumanEval Python exam compared to 67% for GPT-4. Claude 2 can generate code more accurately.
  • ARC common sense reasoning: GPT-4 edged out Claude 2 with 83% accuracy versus 82%. GPT-4 shows stronger reasoning capabilities.
  • Hellaswag and Winograd schema: GPT-4 scored higher on these reading comprehension benchmarks, indicating better understanding of nuance and ambiguity in language.

Overall, GPT-4 achieves slightly higher scores across most language proficiency benchmarks, with Claude 2 demonstrating strengths in mathematical reasoning.

Safety and Ethics in AI Systems

With the increasing power of AI systems, AI safety and ethics gain paramount importance. The measures taken by GPT-4 and Claude 2 to ensure safety and ethics in their AI systems will be the focus of this section, particularly bias reduction, harmful content prevention, and human feedback integration.

Bias Reduction and Harmful Content Prevention

Both GPT-4 and Claude 2 have made efforts to reduce bias and prevent harmful content. GPT-4 employs a range of strategies to minimize bias and avert the spread of damaging content, including:

  • Utilizing a sizeable training dataset to reduce the chances of overfitting
  • Employing a broad array of data sources to lessen the likelihood of introducing bias
  • Utilizing various techniques to detect and eliminate offensive language

As a result, GPT-4 produces toxic results only 0.73% of the time compared to 6% with GPT-3.5.

Claude 2 uses Constitutional AI to self-correct any potential biases. This technology implements a set of rules and constraints to guarantee that the AI system remains unbiased and does not produce any offensive content. Additionally, it utilizes multiple techniques to detect and eliminate offensive language.

Human Feedback Integration

Both GPT-4 and Claude 2 rely on human feedback to improve their performance and safety. GPT-4 integrates human feedback post-training, utilizing feedback from humans to enhance its performance after it has already been trained. This feedback can take the form of corrections, evaluations, or preferences, which are used to refine the model’s output.

Claude 2 emphasizes incorporating human feedback into its training process. This approach involves humans providing feedback on the output of AI systems, which can then be leveraged to enhance the accuracy and performance of the AI system. By incorporating human feedback, both models ensure that they produce output that is in accordance with human expectations and ethical considerations.

Pricing and Accessibility

Deciding which model suits best for varying budgets and requirements heavily depends on the pricing and accessibility of GPT-4 and Claude 2. This section will compare the pricing plans and accessibility of these AI models, aiding you in making an informed decision.

GPT-4 Pricing Plans

GPT-4 offers two pricing plans for users. For 8K context, the cost is $6 per 1 million tokens, while 32K context is available at $12 per 1 million tokens. The cost associated with 8K context is $0.03 per 1K tokens for input and output, and $0.06 per 1K tokens for the model. For the 32K context, it is $0.06 per 1K tokens for input and output, and $0.12 per 1K tokens for the model.

GPT-4 also offers a ChatGPT Plus subscription at a rate of $20 per month, providing access to GPT-4.

Claude 2 Pricing Plans

Claude 2 offers two pricing plans: Claude Instant at $1.63 per 1 million tokens and Claude 2 at $11.02 per 1 million tokens for enhanced performance. This pricing structure allows users to choose between a more affordable option with Claude Instant or opt for superior performance with the Claude 2 plan.

Anthropic offers Claude 2 in their Claude Chat Pro plan for $20 per month.

Real-world Applications and Use Cases

Let's dive into how GPT-4 and Claude 2 are practically used across industries.

GPT-4 in Action

GPT-4 has been around for several months now, and all sorts of companies, from startup to enterprises, use it to serve users worldwide. A few examples:

  1. Akkio: at Akkio, we leverage GPT-4's capabilities to produce accurate graphs and insights, as well as to facilitate data preparation through our Chat Features. Our Chat Data Prep is a tool designed to assist analysts in preparing datasets for analysis and machine learning. Our Chat Explore feature enables users to visualize reports with a single click;
  2. Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Amazon, and IBM - using GPT-4 for various natural language processing tasks such as content creation, customer service, and language translation;
  3. Morgan Stanley - using GPT-4 to streamline internal technical support processes and improve efficiency and productivity across the organization;
  4. Stripe - using GPT-4 to power 15 applications that are integrated into the platform, including support customization, answering questions about support, and fraud detection;
  5. Intercom - using GPT-4 to roll out Fin, a customer service bot suited for business needs. Fin can converse naturally with clients, answer questions about business, and use GPT-4 to understand vast information to support developers by providing extensive technical documentation or troubleshooting issues.
  6. Duolingo - using GPT-4 to provide a much more conversational method through a new service called Duolingo Max for learning French or Spanish from English. This system can now thoroughly review user responses and provide detailed feedback, which should help dedicated users reach proficiency much faster.

Claude 2 in Action

Claude 2 in Action, copyright Anthropic

Claude 2, an AI assistant, has been integrated into various platforms and excels in tasks like legal analysis, math, and safe text generation. Its capabilities and features make it a valuable AI model for reducing bias, preventing detrimental content, and incorporating human feedback, while working with existing code.

  1. Slack and Notion - using Claude 2 to summarize conversations, draft documentation, iterate based on feedback, and create detailed business content;
  2. Midjourney - using Claude 2 as a content moderator on its Discord channel to make quick categorizations of user-generated content;
  3. Zoom - using Claude 2 to empower its contact center agents to respond faster and more efficiently to customer queries;
  4. Jasper - one of Anthropic's partners, using the Claude API for businesses, Jasper uses Claude 2 to generate marketing material for teams;
  5. YouAI - their MindStudio builder enables anyone to build AI chat applications using a plethora of LLM models, including Claude 2;
  6. Perplexity - Perplexity is a research-first AI. They include Claude 2 in their pro subscription.


In conclusion, both GPT-4 and Claude 2 are powerful AI models, each with its own unique set of capabilities and features. GPT-4 excels in language and reasoning tasks, while Claude 2 focuses on safety, ethics, and efficiency. It can also generate human-sounding text.

When deciding which model to use, it’s essential to consider your specific needs, budget, and the tasks you require assistance with. Of course, you might end up using both!

If you're interested in leveraging GPT-4 for data analysis, try out Akkio: a dedicated platform for data teams. Other than the OpenAI model, Akkio features autoML for non-coders, enabling anyone to predict the future with AI. Give it a go with a completely free, no credit card required, free trial.

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